Homeschooling Q&A Audio Links

These recordings that I've done come from questions I collected on my Instagram feed
From my homeschooling mama heart to yours. Hope you find a nugget that is really helpful!

Q & A session 1

Q & A session 2

For session 3 the minutes have been broken down so you can jump to the questions of most interest. I hope to do that with the others as well when I get time.

Q & A session 3

1.07 What have I changed over the years?

6.27 How do you overcome the public school mindset?

11.15 How can I get my active 10 yr. old, who loves to build and create but doesn't like anything school related, to engage in learning?

18.14 How do you recover from burnout?

23.54 How do you homeschool through hard life situations-moves, illness, etc..?

30.06 What did your days look like for the middle/highschool years?


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