On Personal Reading & Jane Eyre

I was never a reader growing up, nor did I spend hardly any time reading as an adult. On occasion I found time to read some self-help, parenting, and a couple of biographies. I always chose non fiction  feeling that it was a better use of my time as a busy mama to lots of kiddos (had I to do that over again I would approach my personal reading much differently!)  But then I mustn't forget that as a homeschool mom I was reading daily from all kinds of books, including great literature. That was a happy realization that I sort of just overlooked.

Anyway, I wanted to give a little bit of the background story. Fast forward to the last 2 years and I have had a classic work (mostly) continuously on my nightstand. I've finally discovered the joy of reading and the depth of thought and discussion that can come from it. I get double the satisfaction if I have someone to discuss my book with.

My current read is Jane Eyre, and let me tell you I'm loving it. LOVE IT. This time though I have the wonderful pleasure of reading it along with a few friends and already the texts have been flying back and forth with conversation. I'm also keeping a notebook of things to discuss when the book is finished and jotting down the passages of just flat-out beautiful writing that move me:

"I see at intervals the glance of a curious sort of bird through the close-set bars of a cage: a vivid, restless, resolute captive is there; were it but free, it would soar cloud-high."

See what I mean? Too lovely to read only once. One should tuck it away and bring it out on occasion to let it settle again on the heart and mind. 

If you're a mother in the trenches of raising your sweet brood, I would encourage you to make time for personal reading like this. You may need to go at a much slower pace during this season, but page by page the book will get read. And actually, I think it has the power to enrich your homeschooling experience with your children by setting an example, sharing new vocabulary + conversations, and exciting you even more for learning new things. 


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